About us
We are two ageing foodies who have dedicated our lives to great food. Sourcing the oil, slicing the cheese, sharing the platter; it’s what makes us happy.
We’ve done our time in exclusive London hotels and now we are sharing the love with Wiltshire.
We speak food fluently, with an accent on quality. Our days are spent scouring the countryside for the finest local producers – finding exciting new products as well as the best staples for your larder.
We combine personal expertise with good old-fashioned service and a great relationship with food connoisseurs across the UK and Europe.
In Tisbury Deli, we have created an oasis of food heaven; lush cherry tomatoes from the Isle of Wight rub shoulders with the drooling milky softness of Italian Burrata.
Magnificent Iberico hams relax in the company of the peppery juicy olives of northern Greece. It’s a emporium of good taste.
Please drop in to say hello and to enjoy the beautiful displays, the tantalising smells and the delicious flavours.
There’s no obligation to purchase – although, mindful of Miss Piggy’s advice never to carry more than you can eat, you might want to bring your biggest bag!